Release History |
Find out more about the changes made in each version of LimitState:FORM: |
New in LimitState:FORM version 3.4
Highlights of LimitState:FORM v3.4 include:
Geometry optimization is now up to 9x faster. By incorporating the HSL solver library and allowing switching between solution strategies based on problem complexity, the time required for geometry optimization has been greatly reduced when compared to previous versions of the software.
We’ve added tools automatically identify crossovers between elements and merge close joints across the whole of the optimized geometry and remove the need to do this manually - vastly improving workflow for these tasks.
We’ve implemented a number of strategies to increase the robustness of the structural simplification tools, making editing an optimized structure even quicker and more reliable.
New in LimitState:FORM version 3.3
Highlights of LimitState:FORM v3.3 include:
Improved the speed of layout and geometry optimization. Geometry optimization is now 3 times faster.
Improved the way in which simplification of the optimized solution is undertaken. The software now implements a new formulation, which is both quicker and more robust than the previous algorithm. Users can still filter the smallest elements in the structure, but the options to simplify by target numbers of elements have been replaced with i) the ability to simplify the structure as much as possible for a given allowable increase in volume and ii) the ability to simplify the most complex joints in the structure, again for a user-defined allowable increase in volume.
New in LimitState:FORM version 3.2
Highlights of LimitState:FORM v3.2 include:
Introduction of a lock/unlock mechanism that freezes input data and prevents editing once a layout optimization has been undertaken. This markedly improves the workflow and makes the user editing experience more understandable.
Enhancement of user awareness by enabling / disabling features depending upon a series of model and analysis per-requisites (such as the presence of a design domain, load etc.)
The output stream has been enhanced, making the workflow simpler to understand and the results of optimization and editing easier to isolate.
A number of improvements under the hood, to increase the speed and reliability of the solve process.
New in LimitState:FORM version 3.1
LimitState:FORM v3.1 adds extra functionality to the editing and filtering tools, as well as a number of tweaks and bugfixes. Highlights include:
LimitState:FORM 3.1 Includes a number of enhancements for editing and filtering solutions
We've added the ability to switch to a frame representation during analysis, meaning that the inherent strength of the structure can be used and modifications are even more likely to be successful.
Extra filter options have been incorporated in order to help generate a cleaner, more manageable structure.
based on a set number of allowed members;
for a maximum number of members at a joint; or
to remove members that are below a defined angle to each other.
Users can now set deflection limits on point loads, as well as on rigid bodies within the structure.
New in LimitState:FORM version 3.0
Building on the industry leading rapid optimization workflow of its predecessor, LimitState:FORM v3.0 makes the design process even easier. New functionality has been added to help design engineers move more swiftly from optimized concept, through design review, to manufactureable part. Find out more about the changes in v3.0 in the Release History.
Highlights of LimitState:FORM v3.0 include:
1. Integration with ANSYS Mechanical
LimitState:FORM v3.0 integrates seamlessly with ANSYS Mechanical
In-depth analysis and validation of optimized designs using ANSYS Mechanical is now seamless. One click opens the model in ANSYS Workbench, for analysis in ANSYS Mechanical. There is no need to export the model, nor to perform any remodelling in advance. Any changes or edits to the model in LimitState:FORM are reflected in ANSYS Mechanical as you work.
2. Enhanced solution editing
Editing functionality has been enhanced and made even more intuitive
High level editing of members and joints, not possible in most other tools, is now even easier, addressing a request by aerospace and automotive users. Also, the software now shows where edits have been made, colour-coding elements and joints as they are edited.
3. Analysis of member buckling
LimitState:FORM v3.0 can now take account of member buckling during the optimization process, resizing members or moving joints to improve the solution. Engineers can also quickly perform more exhaustive elastic frame checks, with calculations being around 10x quicker than before. LimitState:FORM v3.0 can identify both individual member and global buckling modes - without the need to open a separate FEA package.
Advanced support type allows remote and force-limited restraints to be applied
4. More powerful support modeling capability
LimitState:FORM v3.0 now includes a new advanced support type which uses a local coordinate system and which can enforce user-specified limits on reaction forces. This is very useful in real-world optimization tasks, where the interaction between a component and adjoining elements is often crucial, such as when designing brackets for aircraft or satellite applications. The tool can also be used to specify remote supports, for example where the component is rotating around a point some distance away from the main body.
5. New elastic frame validation tools for frequency and bending stress
New frame validation tools allow stresses and frequencies to be checked
Engineers can now perform frequency and bending stress analyses. The frequency tool provides information on the modes of vibration, useful when optimizing the components of an engine or machine. The bending stress tool displays peak stresses graphically and can be used to ensure that peak bending stresses do not exceed the specified material strength.
6. Library of materials
The tool now ships with a large library of materials, making it even quicker and easier to set up a model.
The bottom line
LimitState:FORM v3.0's unique layout and geometry optimization technology means it is now easier than ever to exploit the business benefits of rapidly evolving technologies such as additive manufacturing. The software represents a step forward for any design engineer wishing to design optimized components, especially for aerospace and automotive applications. Please get in touch for a trial of the software or a tailored webinar to see how the software can benefit you.