Version 3
Quick Start
Follow the Quickstart Tutorial in the User Guide to optimize a horizontal reaction applied to a simple cubic design domain, with four points of support and a single point load.
Download: HozReactionSupport-GeometryOnly.scdoc
Tutorial Examples
Follow Tutorial 1 in the User Manual to optimize a satellite antenna mount, then use the editing functionality in LimitState:FORM to rationalize the model.
Download: Tutorial1-ReadyToSolve_v3.scdoc
Follow Tutorial 2 in the User Manual to fix an optimized solution in LimitState:FORM, the validate using FEA (requires ANSYS Mechanical). Uses the well-known ‘GE Bracket’ example.
Download: Tutorial2-ReadyToSolve.scdoc
Version 2
Example Files
Optimize a satellite antenna mount, as described in the Quick Start section of the LimitState:FORM User Guide.
Download: Geometry only | Ready to solve model | Solved model
Create a conceptual optimized design for a motorbike swingarm component.
Download: Ready to solve model
Optimize a horizontal reaction applied to a simple cubic design domain, four points of support and a single point load. When converted to a selectable geometry, compression elements are assigned a varying cruciform cross-section.
Download: Ready to solve model