LimitState:FORM Release History

Current version

v3.5.0 [8043]

Minor Update

21st November 2019

Installer Bugfix

  • Updated the installer to recognise Windows 10 systems with .NET4.8 already present. Previously a message would be displayed stating that .NET4.6 or higher was needed [ref 1474]

Previous versions

v3.4.0 [7072]

Major Update

5th April 2019

Solver Enhancements

  • Geometry optimization is now up to 9x faster. By incorporating the HSL solver library and allowing switching between solution strategies based on problem complexity, the time required for geometry optimization has been greatly reduced when compared to previous versions of the software [ref 1442]
  • Increase robustness of structural simplification functionality by minimizing virtual forces (when other methods of truss restoration are unsuccessful) [ref 1432]

Simplification Enhancements

  • Added 'Create all crossovers' and 'Merge close joints' tools in the 'Simplify' group of functions. These tools will automatically identify crossovers between elements and merge close joints across the whole of the optimized geometry and remove the need to do this manually [ref 1426]
  • Implemented a number of strategies to increase the robustness of the simplification tools [ref 1429]

Usability Enhancements

  • Don't show properties as greyed out (read only) when the project is locked; instead prompt the user when a parameter is edited [ref 1401]
  • Updated a number of sections of the User Manual to provide additional information on functionality and usage [ref 1440, 1446]
  • Updated ANSYS Workbench linking to provide compatibility with ANSYS 19.2 [ref 1450]
  • Added a 'Clear' button to allow selected items to be forgotten during editing actions [ref 1417]


  • Ensure existing property changes are actioned when user is prompted to unlock [ref 1372]
  • Enable 'Limit Deflections' checkbox in Solver Options dialog when limiting values are specified for loads [ref 1444]
  • Fixed context sensitive help for the 'Nodes' button [ref 1409]
  • Fixed a bug in the 'Union' process when creating mirror copies of rigid blocks [ref 1420]
  • Fixed a bug with the stress fixing tool that could cause it to undertake infinite iterations in cases where the structure was symmetrical (e.g. with a mirror plane), but exhibited unsymmetrical stress distribution [ref 1421]
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Project panel being re-drawn after Clicking on any of the utilities downstream of a solve (e.g. Edit) [ref 1443]
  • Fixed a bug that could be encountered when undoing across an unlock action. Previously values could be taken from a 'null' solution and used erroneously [ref 1448]
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the 'Show Members' from acting as a toggle [ref 1414]

Other Enhancements

  • Check for a compatible version of .NET on the host machine during installation (likely to only be required when working with relatively new instances of Windows 7 or 8) [ref 1451]

v3.3.0 [6445]

Major Update

5th October 2018

Solver Enhancements

  • Improved the speed of layout and geometry optimization. Geometry optimization is now 3 times faster. [ref 1189, 1251]


  • Fixed error in rigid joint formulation, which occasionaly caused minor errors in member areas. [ref 1236]
  • Fixed domain constraint at sharp edges and corners. [ref 1291]
  • Prevented 'numerical issue' error when running the Stability / Frequency analysis [ref 1349]

Simplification Enhancements

  • Improved the way in which simplification of the optimized solution is undertaken. The software now implements a new formulation, which is both quicker and more robust than the previous simplification algorithm. Users can still filter the smallest elements in the structure, but the options to simplify by target numbers of elements have been replaced with i) the ability to simplify the structure as much as possible for a given allowable increase in volume and ii) the ability to simplify the most complex joints in the structure, again for a user-defined allowable increase in volume [ref 1402]

Usage Enhancements

  • Prevented 'Unlock' dialog appearing when clicking on the Project Tree [ref 1350]
  • Improved text in output panel related to "Simplify" tool and frame analysis. [ref 1359]
  • Added a popup dialog to inform user that frame analysis needs to be turned on for use of structure simplification [ref 1361]
  • Removed total member number filter and member number per node filter from the "Simplify" tool and the "Edit and Filter Options" of the property list. [ref 1366]
  • Improved the text in the help manual of the "Simplify" tool. [ref 1367]
  • Fixed the boundary value displayed by the numeric text box hover message and reduced the disappearing delay time of the hover message. [ref 1186]
  • Added hint for the structure simplification button. [ref 1368]
  • Renamed potentially confusing "Resolve" function to "Re-solve" [ref 1043]

v3.2.1 [4809]

Minor Update

7th December 2017


  • Object properties are now displayed when a tree node is selected, even when the solution is locked. If the solution is locked, the displayed properties are read only [ref 1205]
  • Fixed bug with lock/unlock behaviour - previously lock could appear on unsolved problems when switching between tabs from one that had a lock [ref 1206]

v3.2.0 [4782]

Minor Update

1st December 2017


Improved interface / documentation

  • Introduced a lock/unlock mechanism that freezes input data and prevents editing once a layout optimization has been undertaken. Edits and geometry optimizations are still achievable, but key input parameters cannot be changed without unlocking; making the workflow and user editing experience more understandable [ref 1160]
  • Improved workflow and user understanding by enabling / disabling features depending upon model and analysis pre-requisites (such as the presence of a design domain, load etc.) [ref 1169]
  • Added a warning to alert the user when a geometry optimization is likely to require a long computation time and offer to cancel it [ref 1173]
  • Updates to User Manual to reflect changes since version 3.1 [ref 1185]
  • Prevent the display of (potentially confusing) "Object reference..." warning message [ref 1150]
  • Improved readability of output stream, making the workflow simpler to understand and the results of optimization and editing easier to isolate [ref 1177]
  • Replaced fields with validated numeric text boxes where appropriate [ref 1155]
  • Suppress the disabling of frame mode when the solution contains frame elements [ref 1156]
  • Added a number of checks to help suppress error messages from being displayed if a user interrupts a process by clicking the red circle icon [ref 1165]
  • Added the 'optimization type' setting to the solver options and made the setting persistent until changed by the user [ref 1193]

Improved functionality

  • Improved speed and reliability when converting a solution to a frame problem [ref 1174]

v3.1.0 [4598]

Major Update

31st October 2017


Added functionality

  • Added the ability to set deflection limits on point loads [ref 524]
  • Added the ability to switch to a 'frame' analysis - taking advantage of inherent structural strength and increasing the reliability of filter and edit actions [ref 1163]
  • Enhanced filter functionality by adding the ability to set the maximum number of members that can exist at a joint or in the structure as a whole [ref 1079]
  • Added the ability to filter out collinear and nearly-collinear members as part of the optimization process [ref 1091]
  • Added check for members with non-credible diameter to length ratio. Optimization will now halt if these are detected and the user will be informed [ref 1133]

Improved interface / documentation

  • Changed the default number of Geometry Optimization iterations to 5 (was 20) [ref 1070]
  • Removed minimum feature size as it is not used in version 3.0. This was a functionality only used for web thicknesses in cruciform cross sections [ref 1130]
  • Renamed "Truss" panel in ribbon as "Truss / Frame" to reflect addition of frame analysis functionality [ref 1105]
  • Added information to the user interface and manual to clarify the status of the "Utilization" feature (i.e. that axial forces are reported) [ref 1127]
  • Updated Tutorial 1 walkthrough to take into consideration functionality changes made for version 3.1 [ref 1149]
  • Updated the output messages to aid clarity for the user [ref 1153]


  • Fixed a bug that could cause a "write error" message to be displayed when undoing [ref 1071]
  • Fixed a number of minor, rarely encountered bugs relating to skipped steps and deletion of modifications when editing [ref 1137]
  • Ensure correct solution is displayed after clicking undo [ref 1120]
  • Fixed a bug in the node merging algorithm that could result in minor differences in reported structural volume [ref 1140]

v3.0.4 [3940]

Major Update

11th April 2017


Added functionality

  • Added a materials library containing a range of generic representations of additive and structural materials. These can be used in the project and / or copied and modified [ref 433]
  • Added a tool to allow users to conduct a frequency analysis on the structure [ref 804] [ref 865]
  • Added the ability to calculate and display elastic (frame) bending stresses for the optimized solution [ref 848] [ref 938]
  • Added an "Advanced" support type. This feature allows users to set limiting support forces, align supports to a local coordinate system and / or provide support to bodies from a point not necessarily on the body itself [ref 902] [ref 907]
  • Added the ability to undertake Euler buckling checks on the members as part of a geometry optimization [ref 954]
  • Added 'advanced support' force and moment data to CSV output [ref 1032]

Improved interface / documentation

  • Improved the usability of the "Edit" functions by providing the user with an enhanced understanding of the modifications made prior to Complete. For example, objects are now color-coded according to the alterations that are being attempted [ref 386] [ref 915] [ref 918]
  • Allow point loads and supports to be applied to curves and points lying on the surface of a solid [ref 589]
  • Compacted the layout of the ribbon bar (improves user experience on lower resolution displays and streamlines workflow) [ref 929]
  • Provide an option to only display buckling modes with positive values [ref 934]
  • Improvements to solve dialog, including addition of ability to specify load cases as active or inactive [ref 935]
  • Extended range and depth of descriptive text for items in the user interface [ref 939]
  • Updated the Materials dialog to make the process of definition and assignment more intuitive [ref 945]
  • Updated and unified text descriptions of solution components (members, joints etc.) in order to aid user familiarity and understanding [ref 985]
  • Added new sections and improved descriptions in the User Manual [ref 1012]
  • Updated User Guide to include additional information and make Quick Start and Tutorials easier to follow [ref 1041]

Enhanced reporting

  • Display solver output in tabulated form [ref 762] [ref 925]
  • Added information to the filter pane in order to aid the user in deciding a suitable value to use. Additionally, highlight the members to be deleted such that it is clearer to the user what will occur on complete [ref 792] [ref 873]
  • Added a variety of useful data on the generated solution to the Optimization (left) panel [ref 853]
  • Report the estimated violation of nodes outside the design domain when the "Fit joints" option is selected [ref 956]
  • Improve reporting of numerical issues encountered when a structure geometry is inherently unstable and a stability check is carried out [ref 963]

Other improvements

  • Add rigid body mass to GSA output for dynamic analysis [ref 885]
  • Added the ability to pass generated solutions (along with loading and boundary conditions) to ANSYS Workbench. This allows users to conduct further FEA analyses and includes the capacity to modify the geometry in LimitState:FORM and update on the fly in ANSYS [ref 900] [ref 962]
  • Automatically set rigid bodies to have the same material properties as the design domain [ref 904]
  • Implement Spectra SymGEigsSolver in order to increase (>10x) the speed of linear elastic analysis calculations [ref 908]
  • Added more worked tutorial files to the User Manual and website [ref 1018] [ref 1020]


  • Update the stability calculations when switching between load cases in the viewer [ref 837]
  • Suppress the hiding of built-in SpaceClaim panels [ref 842]
  • Prevent crash when adding nodes to twin (i.e. mirror) members [ref 857]
  • Preserve minimum member area for both sections when splitting [ref 857]
  • Updated warning regarding unapplied modifications made using the validation tools [ref 875]
  • Various fixes to ensure that data is not passed between the output windows in open files [ref 888] [ref 897]
  • Various fixes to GSA export functionality [ref 893]
  • Allow mirror planes to be applied to design domain solids that exist within components [ref 903]
  • Issue a prompt to install ANSYS if an attempt to launch it is made from within LimitState:FORM, but the machine does not have it available [ref 936]
  • Output standard section types to GSA file when in 'General' mode [ref 964]
  • Updated material descriptions to use "Tensile Strength" instead of "Yield Stress" [ref 978]
  • Implemented a more efficient method of animating deflected rigid bodies (fixes a bug that could sometimes cause a "direction is zero" message to appear) [ref 1030]
  • Updated descriptive text for advanced support force limits to make it clearer how they are used [ref 1038]
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent files from being opened using the "drag and drop" method [ref 1042]

v3.0.3 [3876]

Limited Release

27th March 2017

  • Release candidate

v3.0.2 [3796]

Limited Release

20th March 2017


  • Beta release [ref 1021]

v3.0.1 [3738]

Limited Release

10th March 2017


  • Test output of standard section types to GSA file when in 'General' mode [ref 964]


  • Adds beta functionality to allow support force limits to be specified [ref 968]

v3.0.0 [3683]

Limited Release

3rd March 2017

v2.0.6 [3237]

Maintenance Release

22nd December 2016


  • Prevent crash when adding nodes to twin (i.e. mirror) members [ref 857]
  • Preserve minimum member area for both sections when splitting [ref 857]
  • Various fixes to GSA export functionality [ref 893]

v2.0.5 [3067]

Maintenance Release

23rd November 2016


  • Allow user-specified edge clearance and edge distance values [ref 684]
  • Show components / assemblies in the project tree [ref 704]
  • Allow joints to be added by clicking on a member or a rigid body [ref 794]
  • Allow renaming of load cases, loads, supports and deflection limits [ref 520]
  • Allow material name to be edited when editing a material from the Materials dialog [ref 540]
  • Add Joint Expansion Factor to allow user to vary the calculated joint size [ref 777]
  • Allow loads to be defined as acting along the axis of a cylinder [ref 790]
  • Display the saved solution when opening a document [ref 636]
  • Allow inclined supports in GSA files [ref 527]


  • Alert the user if multiple design domains have been defined (only one is permitted) [ref 791]
  • Update displayed solution even if solver returned error [ref 807]
  • Fixed logic for toggling buttons (Show nodes, members and utilization) [ref 801]
  • Warn user if there are pending operations (Edit Solution) if the user saves the document [ref 806]
  • Prevent crash when using the 'Allow Joints to Move' function [ref 818]
  • Clean up temporary objects (left by the EditSolution tool) when loading a document [ref 795]
  • Prevent nodes becoming detached from supports during geometry optimization [ref 768]
  • Fixed a bug that could, on certain systems on rare occasions, cause the program to crash when deflections are calculated [ref 836]

v2.0.4 [2858]

Maintenance Release

12th September 2016


  • LimitState:FORM made available as an addin to SpaceClaim
  • Enhanced process awareness by allowing user to specify an element angle penalty factor in relation to a defined build direction [ref 764]
  • Update to SpaceClaim v2016.2 backend for standalone version [ref 760]
  • Added description of hollow section geometry to User Manual [ref 751]
  • Layout and geometry optimization calculations are more repeatable [ref 748]


  • Fixed a bug which prevented new materials from being created [ref 568]
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a "write blocks" error if undo / redo attempts to enter the Validation tools [ref 767]

v2.0.3 [2801]

Maintenance Release

19th August 2016


  • Allow load cases to be marked as inactive (i.e. disabled) [ref 736]
  • Display the current area in the Set Minimum Area dialog [ref 727]
  • Check for non-manifold geometry before solving and report errors to the user [ref 705]
  • Link to appropriate software documentation from Welcome dialog [ref 633]
  • Replaced the 'About' button in the ribbon bar with a 'Help' button [ref 658]
  • Warn the user if a rigid body or the design domain has no material defined (and suppress solve if needed) [ref 706]
  • Allow the minimum angle of inclination to the build plate to be specified [ref 667]
  • Solve time reduced for some large problems [ref 744]
  • Reduce license check duration when switching between tabs [ref 713]
  • Added custom icons to be used in the containers when the ribbon bar is condensed and unable to show full sized buttons [ref 657]
  • The Assign Materials dialog now has a Close button [ref 543]
  • Allow installation of LimitState:FORM on systems already running SpaceClaim [ref 697]
  • Element profile geometry is now passed when exporting solutions to the GSA structural analysis software (rather than passing explicit element properties). This allows GSA to display the model in a more realistic manner (i.e. with correct shape and thickness) and also calculate the properties based upon the real (averaged) profile data [ref 694]


  • Prevent potential buffer overrun when opening document [ref 568]
  • Fix bug which caused point loads to disappear when duplicating load cases [ref 714]
  • Prevent the Optimize tab from being activated by default when LimitState:FORM is installed as an add-in [ref 709]
  • Updated reference to Quickstart example file in User Guide [ref 732]
  • Fixed the status of the "Show Elements" button when switching to other tools (previously remained selected when elements were not shown) [ref 695]
  • Prevent the application window from disappearing when the Assign Materials dialog is closed. [ref 721]
  • Ensure solid colours are updated when a tool from the Optimize tab is activated [ref 670]
  • Prevent incorrect warning message when the user attempts to edit the solution [ref 669]
  • Fixed a bug that would cause a file to be re-opened continuously on close [ref 737]
  • Prevent application locking up when a file is dragged into the viewer [ref 722]
  • Prevent popup dialogs from appearing in the task bar [ref 726]
  • Modify calculations for calculating the cross-section properties of circular hollow sections (CHS) - previously the calculations may result in unrealistic increases in element diameter towards joints [ref 731]

v2.0.2 [2439]

5th July 2016

  • First public release of LimitState:FORM version 2.0